Orphan Sponsorship - Mission Relief - Mission Relief are a UK registered charity focused on alleviating the suffering and saving lives across the globe. We are dedicated on tackling the root cause of poverty and providing immediately relief to those most in need.

0333 339 6556

100% donation policy


Orphan sponsorship

Profoundly impact a child's life and future.

Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said, “I will be like this in Jannah with the person who takes care of an orphan”. Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) raised his forefinger and middle finger by way of illustration. [Al- Bukhari].

Million Children

are estimated to be orphans worldwide (UNICEF)

Child Labourers

child labourers exist across the globe, accounting for almost 11% of Children (ILO)

Million children

and youth are not in education

There are roughly 25 million orphans in East Africa, the majority living in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda

Mission Relief’s unique and comprehensive orphan sponsorship programme offers vulnerable children a way out of neglect and abuse. It allows them to escape hunger, poor living conditions and an upbringing with no education. 

Your donations can equip them with the appropriate shelter, clean water and healthy food, education from nursery to university including religious studies and hifdh, clothes for both home and school uniform, regular health checks, personal hygiene, transport to and from school and pocket money so they don’t miss out on regular activities such as accessing the swimming pool or visiting the zoo. 

Our aim is to equip each child with the resources to go on to build a life that is full of promise and potential.

Orphan Sponsorship FAQ’s

We aim to meet all aspects of the sponsorship programme which includes, shelter, food, education both academic and religious, clothing, health checks and medicine, pocket money and transport fees. 

We highly encourage all donors to provide an orphan a sponsorship for as long as you can up to the age of 18. In some cases where the orphan has got an acceptance into university, we encourage the donor to continue their donation until fulltime education is over. 

When you start your sponsorship, we will send you an introduction letter within 4 weeks of receiving the payment. We aim to send you a detailed report every 6 months which includes an opportunity to facetime the carer of the orphan. 

Yes, we provide the orphan with your monthly sponsorship each and every month.