build a water well
Help provide a community with a safe clean drinking water source
‘The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) was asked, “Which charity is best?” He replied, “[Providing] water”’. [Abu Dawud]
The Horn of Africa is experiencing the worst drought since 1981, and a shortfall in aid funding is putting the lives of millions in danger. (UN)

Don’t have clean water close to their home (UNICEF/WHO)

Don’t have clean water (UNICEF/WHO)
771 million people around the world don’t have clean water close to their home. At Mission Relief we’re passionate about sustainable development, which is why we focus on creating long-term solutions to the drought problem in East Africa with our water well project. By building water wells we’re providing safe, clean drinking water to communities, allowing them to be self-sufficient and non-reliant on donated water.
£1300 allows us to build a water well in Kenya which will provide clean drinking water for a community of up to 2000 people. The community will contribute towards the maintenance of the well and it will act as Sadaqah Jaariyah for you or a family member.

Water Well Appeal FAQ’s
It will take between 4 to 12 months to complete the build of a water well. We ensure that the well we install is in the best possible location and is providing maximum impact. We check the quality of the water before installing a plaque. We then take pictures and submit a final report to the donor.
Yes, Mission Relief provides a completion report once the well is built. This could take between 6 to 18 months.
There are many factors such as location and usage however we predict a water well can last up to 10 years.
Working alongside our local partners, we identify areas that are most in need of clean water.
We have an agreement with the local community, the beneficiaries of the well to maintain the well as and when it is needed. For any major issues they are urged to contact out local partners who update Mission Relief on any relevant updates.
The completion report is produced for every water well built. It includes the exact location of the well including pictures. It will also include pictures of the plaque.