Self Sustainable Solutions - Mission Relief - Mission Relief are a UK registered charity focused on alleviating the suffering and saving lives across the globe. We are dedicated on tackling the root cause of poverty and providing immediately relief to those most in need.

0333 339 6556

100% donation policy


self sustainable solutions

Create a bright future

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You give a poor man a fish and you feed him for a day. You teach him to fish and you give him an occupation that will feed him for a lifetime.

 From all 7 continents Africa has the highest unemployment rate.

0 %
Of Kenya's Population

Live on less than £1.50 per day

£ 4000
Cost Of Schools

 Private schools in Africa typically range from £4000 to £20,000 per year. (International School Database)

About the appeal

At Mission Relief we are committed in providing a long-lasting solution to improve the standards of living by providing necessary and relevant training and skills to last a lifetime. The key to escaping poverty lies not in emergency aid but in giving communities the opportunities and tools to better their lives and improve their prospects of a secure economic future. 

Mission Relief delivery project has proven to be a great success. We identify young men from under privileged communities and employ them to deliver food on motorbikes in one of Kenya’s busiest cities, Mombasa. This initiative has been set up to help individuals to own a vehicle and to provide a reliable income stream that offers the person a consistent way to make a living. By donating £1000 you can give them an opportunity to live a more self-reliant and independent life in their local environment. The money generated by owning their own bike can now be spent to provide food and education to help them provide for their family.