Where Most Needed - Mission Relief - Mission Relief are a UK registered charity focused on alleviating the suffering and saving lives across the globe. We are dedicated on tackling the root cause of poverty and providing immediately relief to those most in need.

Where Most needed

Helping those around the world in their greatest hour of need

Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said, the parable of the believers in their affection, mercy, and compassion for each other is that of a body. When any limb aches, the whole body reacts with sleeplessness and fever. [Bukhari]

Million People

live in extreme poverty – less than £1.50 a day

Million people

worldwide have been forcibly displaced

Million People

worldwide are in need of humanitarian aid

Disaster can strike at any moment

Mission Relief aim to be at the scene as and when we can when disaster strikes across the world. We’ve been lucky to have been able to quickly mobilise our team to take action to make our way to the area of damage and help distribute emergency aid to those most in need. 

The donations that go to this campaign cover our assistance and resources in disasters and conflict zones, to provide urgent community support, sustainable projects, healthcare, education, food and clean water and much more. Your donation can truly change thousands of lives each and every day.

In an aim to increase the efficiency of our work and your donations, we work very closely with our partners situated across the globe in identifying the greatest need and creating solutions that work best for the communities. 

Allah (swt) says in the Qur’an “Whoever saves one life, it is as if he has saved the whole of mankind.” [5:32]

Food pack FAQ’s

Your donations are currently being distributed in Kenya

After a strict assessment we distribute your donations to the poorest in Kenya. Your donation is used to pay for emergency health bills, emergency food distributions, emergency response to natural and unnatural disasters, famine and refugees.

Unfortunately we do not provide the option to specify your donation, however we welcome an email stating where you would like your donations to go towards and will do our upmost to fulfil this.