Qurbani 2024 comes to a close - Mission Relief - Mission Relief are a UK registered charity focused on alleviating the suffering and saving lives across the globe. We are dedicated on tackling the root cause of poverty and providing immediately relief to those most in need.

Thank to you everyone who donated to our Qurbani appeal this year, thank to you we were able to help many families and closed our most successful year to date! Mission Relief were able to donate a total of 412 animals to be used for Qurbani this year, consisting of both cows and goats. This amounted to you, the donors, being able to help support a total of 1780 families.

The qurbani donations went to help the most vulnerable families in Kenya including windows, those suffering with poor health, sickness or disabilities. Your donations also went towards orphans! We distributed qurbani meat to 5 orphanages too, allowing orphan children to enjoy meat- which is a rare occurrence for them- on the day of eid.

Thanks to your continued support and generosity we’re able to continue making an impact to those most in need in East Africa including orphans, widows and those in poverty. To support our ongoing appeals and continue to make a difference visit our appeals page.

We’ll see you again next year inshallah for 2025 Qurbani appeal which, with Allah’s grace, will hopefully be better and bigger than this year 🎉

Lastly, Eid Mubarak from the team at Mission Relief, we hope you have a blessed celebratory period.

– The Mission Relief Team